Art-Science workshop: Beyond Science, Health and Art, the role of Empathy and Intuition in Healthcare and Museums

July 13-16, Museum de Lakenhal, Leiden, Netherlands

Prof.dr. Andrea Evers (psychoneurobiology of health and disease, Leiden University), Liesbeth van Vliet (LUMC) Meta Knol (director Leiden European City of Science 2022) and Nicole Roepers of Museum the Lakenhal Leiden organised a 3 day workshop with scientists, and artists to see where we stand today concerning the integration of empathy and intuition in healthcare and museums.

As this subject has my passion, it was an enormous pleasure and honour to take part in this workshop together with artists and scientist I respect.

Taking part in the workshop were: Lonneke Gordijn (Studio Drift), Suzanne Dikker (artist & cognitive neuroscientist), Caroline van Eck (Oxford University), Wieteke van Zeil, Irving Kirsch (Harvard, placebo and emotion), Beatrice de Gelder (embodied cognition), Sander Koole (Emotion Regulation LAB van de UvA), Magne Flaton (Norwegian University of Science), Bogomir Doringer (artist, curator, head of education&research at NXTMuseum)

Output of this workshop is currently being summarized and analized for further study and application.


Exhibition ‘Transformation’ EST ART FOunDATION


Exhibition ‘Healing power’ Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden, The Netherlands