Museum de Lakenhal Late
During the exhibition ‘Imagine Intuition’ Museum de Lakenhal organizes 3 late night sessions with the artists that were invited to make commissioned works for this exhibition. December 9, Janet Vollebregt is invited together with artist duo Dikker + Oostrom.
The evening will start with an interview of the artists by Laure van den Hout, chief editor of Mister Motley magazine, in the auditorium of the museum.
After that the artists will guide the public into the deeper layers of their work in smaller groups . Janet will take the public into being present inside and around her installation and will explain how making and feeling energy flow through the Japanese art Jin Shin Jyutsu influences her work and life.
ICK Dance Amsterdam will perform in the central space of the museum.
For more information and tickets: Lakenhal Late December 9