Untitled Art Miami
Luis Maluf Art Gallery will present the work of Janet Vollebregt and Shizue Sakamo at Miami Untitled Art from December 3-8. The fair will take place on 1200 Ocean Drive, South Beach Miami. Janets works from the series Ming Tangs and Pendants will be show beside Shizues sublime oil painted fading colour studies.
‘EYE of The Storm’ at EST Art Foundation
Creative Company The Kitchen invited Janet Vollebregt and Sissi Tang to offer an immersive experience through art, sound and senses, during Kunstroute Leiden, at the EST Art Foundation premises. The event took place September 21 and 22.
Museum de Lakenhal Late
During the exhibition ‘Imagine Intuition’ Museum de Lakenhal organizes 3 late night sessions with the artists that were invited to make commissioned works for this exhibition. December 9, Janet Vollebregt is invited together with artist duo Dikker + Oostrom.